Sunday, August 23, 2009


After our safari, the Akin family stayed about a week longer in Kenya for a wonderful extra visit. One day we took them down to our area of work, Eastleigh, to meet some of our students and to get a little glimpse of our life in Kenya. It was our last time to visit the Community Center before we moved, so it was definitely bittersweet saying our goodbyes. We really enjoyed our time working there and it was difficult to leave-especially so unexpectedly. It was such an easy place to serve on a daily basis and we are forever grateful for this opportunity and our time in Kenya in general-we wouldn't trade it for anything. We made some great relationships and will miss them dearly.

Playing outside with the precious little kids, who ALWAYS had to touch my hair because it was so different from theirs. And who also gave me ringworm-fun, fun. But I do miss them...especially them saying, "How are you?" over and over everyday-it was too cute.

Diyaa and Asha-two of my closest friends. 

The girls :)

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